Saturday, April 21, 2007

Week in Review

This past week has seen a flurry of activity. It started with an announcement at a local event that was totally off script even after I took the time to painstakingly write the copy of the announcement. The speaker in his infinite wisdom decided to improvise and left out some rather important information. Well, the old adage that no publicity is bad publicity may be true.......... I did get a few responses for subscription which is good. That will result in some additional revenue.

My follow up call with the law firm manager referred to in a prior post declined to advertise in the upcoming issue but was very positive in his assessment. He did however point out that he would like to consider future advertising but would like to see the product improve a little bit more. He did point to areas for improvement and that was well taken. Among the things to work on is the layout and sharpness of the pictures and the type of paper used. He thought the publication would have more of a magazine feel if the paper was a little less heavy.

The rest of the week saw a promise for advertising to be finalised in the upcoming week and ended with a meeting of my favorite networking group the Greater Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce. That meeting will be addressed in next blog entry.

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