Saturday, April 21, 2007

GCACC monthly business meeting update

The Greater Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce (GCACC) had back to back events this week but I could only attend one. I had to skip the annual job fair due to a very important meeting that was arranged prior to learning of the job fair. But I made the monthly business meeting where the Florida Memorial University Mobile Economic Unit was visiting. The FMU Unit is a mobile office that caters to business owners and potential entrepreneurs. Basically they converted a 18 wheeler in to an office and drive to prearranged locations and encourage people to come in for help with business advice, planning and consultation. That is a wonderful program that will serve to help dozens of small businesses who can't go to the offices due to having to run their businesses. I am considering including them in a future issue.

The most promising aspect though was learning that the GCACC wants to incorporate in its program a newsletter that will feature one member each month. The current president has asked if we could sit down and hammer out an agreement that would see me produce the newsletter. That would be awesome as it would lend some credibility to the CBD and exposure as well. I have no problems writing the content (or farming it out) despite the added work load but it would be worth it. I am therefore putting together a proposal for this well in advance of us meeting to iron this out. I hope that the Board will approve this and hopefully the first issue of the newsletter will be in May. That would be ideal as it would precede the June CBD issue. This could be the biggest thing yet. Wish me luck!

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