Friday, July 13, 2007

Promises, Promises, empty promises

The latest issue of the CBD is in its review stage and will go to print early next week. And as I look back, I remember a couple of situation where I was promised fervently promised advertising by at least two business owners but both fell through. At the time speaking with both men, it was all great and seemed like a slam dunk. It was like "yes yes, this is great I am in call me next week though!" Next week became the following week and then a myriad of excuses as to why it won't happen. Of course, in my budgeting I was counting on those ad revenue to take care of some promotional expense.

One even promised to introduce the magazine to other business owners he is friends with. I believe he did but in the end it was all promises and nothing concrete. Lesson learned: a promise is not worth the paper it is written on; nothing is certain until the deal is closed. In my case that means getting a check the signals the contract is confirmed.

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