Saturday, June 30, 2007

CBD in the news

This is a paper that was written for the Diaspora conference by Dennis Jones referenced the Caribbean Business Digest. This is the first instance of the CBD being in the news that I can think of. The CBD was referenced on page 11 of the document. I need to read this in more detail and offer my reaction to Mr Jones...............

In the link in the last post, I listened to Dennis speak and he talked about who will have responsibility for the action plans or goals that were outlined. This is real important or we will be have the same discussion next year.

1 comment:

Dennis Jones said...

I look forward to your feedback on my paper. The Diaspora has many who are action-oriented and this needs to be recognized and drawn upon, without need for new bureaucratic structures. Good luck with expanding CBD, which may occur if more people read my paper. Note some of the suggestions for tapping into different forms of financing, which would be more attractive to possible financiers (eg foundations) if they see scale and replicability.