Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Developing personal relationships and ............ classified ads

I received a phone call yesterday from someone who wanted to place a classified ad in the upcoming issue. The individual inquired about the nature of the magazine, the cost and deadline for submitting the ad information. Though I was little bit taken aback by the phone call I provided the required information. I did not think that there would be much business from classifieds (the person indicated that she was seeking employment and needed to reach businesses) but it was a welcomed call. As my wife Nicole Ann pointed out, it means that the magazine is getting circulation.

While at the barbershop in Palm Beach last week, my barber remarked that I was the first person to wait specifically for him to get a haircut. Now I call him each time to make an appointment for my haircut. I made a mental note on my way home to tell him the next time I go there that he give each new client a card so that he can build his own clientele. After all that is what most small business owners aim to do. Whether it is catering, legal or accounting services, it is all about developing personal relationships.

In executing the idea behind the Caribbean Business Digest, that is what I aim to do. In speaking with various business owners, I aim to develop a personal relationship with each as I aim to tell each story that is unique. That will be quite a challenge. Stay tuned.

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