Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Looking Back - The Red Panty Club with Fran Asaro

Well, it is not totally wrong to say this interview was not what I thought it was going to be about! There was an interesting “first” with this interview: it is the only one that I had a do-over. In fact, the end product was actually the third attempt. Of all the interviews, this is the one that gets a do-over!

This interview actually has a story behind it (as all my interviews do) I met Fran in the summer of 2013 and we spoke by phone. We were introduced by a mutual friend Yvonne Jones, and for two people who had never met before we spoke for well over 40 minutes. After hanging up I decided I would have her on the show at some point. As 2013 drew to a close, I wanted to have a show that was outside the usual…ermm…. lines and she came to mind. 

As far as I knew, she isn’t Caribbean American (well she is now, I am claiming her!) and I would have her come on to talk about Thrive Any Way. I figured we would have fun introducing her to the target demographic and that should be enough of a twist (seriously I am not doing this on purpose).

So the conversation mid December went like:
Me: Hi Fran 

Fran: Hi Mushtaq

(Usual pleasantries ensue, blah blah blah)

Me: How about being a guest on the show?

Fran: Great. Interestingly I have a new project we could talk about.

Me: Awesome. Tell me about it.

Fran: It is called The Red Panty Club and….

Me: Sold! 

Fran: What you didn’t hear all about the…..

Me: Yeah Yeah Yeah! I’m in!